Get Involved!
We have 4 leagues Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.
Winter and Summer are bring your own team leagues.
Spring and Fall are draft leagues, you rate your abilities when you register and Captains will pick teams from the available roster.
To get involved in these either keep an eye on our website and social media for when registration opens. For draft leagues all you need to do is sign up! For bring your own team leagues you can either put your own team together or find a team through our FB group that is looking for more members.
We have two SAU sponsored tournaments each year (Arctic Sands and Awesome Bowl) and various tournaments sponsored by community members and neighboring cities throughout the year.
Arctic Sands takes place early January. For this tournament you bring your own team of 8 that you register ahead of time.
Awesome Bowl takes place early February. For this tournament you just show up day of and get put on a team
Community Nights
One of the easiest ways to get involved with SAU is through our open Community Nights. These are put together by community members and typically take place at Kings Field. This is a great way to get introduced to the community and get to know the ins and outs of the sport in a fun relaxed way.
Best way to stay in the loop on where and when this are happeing is to follow our FB group and Instagram.