Community Leagues

A draft league that takes place from  April to June. 

Players sign up individually and are then drafted by captains.

Games are 7v7 and take place at the Springfield Rugby Club Football Fields.

A bring your own team league that takes place from June to August.

Teams will designate a Captain who will then sign up the team as a whole.

Games are 5v5 and take place at the Springfield Rugby Club Footbal Fields.

A draft league that takes place from  September to November

Like Spring League players sign up individually and are then drafted.

Games are 7v7 and take place at the Springfield Rugby Club Footbal Fields.

A bring your own team league that takes place from  January to March.

Teams will designate a Captain who will then sign up the team as a whole.

Games are 3v3 and take place in the sand at Volleyball Beach Ozark.